atollas field tester

lance clinton

KAYAK FISHING | Jaco, Costa Rica




Lance Clinton is a full time kayak fisherman based out of Jaco, Costa Rica. He grew up fishing in Louisiana and has been an avid surfer since moving down there 20+ years ago, so kayak fishing was a very natural transition for him.

Q: How did you get into kayak fishing?

A: I’ve been kayak fishing for about a decade now and i think I enjoy it as much or more now as I did when i started. I grew up fishing in Louisiana and been surfing for over 20 years, so kayak fishing was a great fit for me.

Q: What does the water mean to you?

A: Whether it be surfing or kayak fishing, the water gives me a sense of harmony with the world around me. Be it the union one feels when on a wave or the intimate relationship you have with your environment while kayak fishing, being on the water gives one a sense of his proper place in the universe.

Q: What was your all-time favorite day on the water?

A: I don’t really have an all time favorite day. I enjoy every day that I’m fortunate enough to be out there. I guess whichever day I am the most present and conscious of my surroundings is my favorite.

Q: How important are your sunglasses in your sport?

A: Sunglasses are a crucial piece of gear in kayak fishing.

Q: What are your go-to shades and why?

A: I typically use Costa Del Mar glasses.

Q: Have you ever lost your sunglasses on the water?

A: Heavy surf and dodgy beach launches are a perfect recipe for lots of lost glasses. I lost a couple of pairs before I ever bothered using a floating retainer.

Q: How have our floating keepers be performing in the field?

A: I tried tying homemade bobbers on but they were very uncomfortable bouncing against the back of my neck. From there I graduated to some cheap floating retainers from Amazon but they were so bulky at the ear pieces they would give me a headache. Eventually I found the Atollas keepers and all those problems were solved. They’ve been great out here.

Q: What stands out about our keepers?

A: The keepers are low profile and comfortable at the ear pieces and the flotation is more than sufficient to float any of my glasses but light and comfortable enough that I don’t even notice when I have them on.

Q: What’s going in in your world at the moment, and what does the future have in store?

A: Lots going on in my world right now. Aside from my daily adventures as a kayak fisherman I design my own knives. I have always loved knives and my experience on the water led me to start making my own designs. I now work with Spyderco knives as a collaborator making some of their rust proof outdoor knives. They are currently producing two of my designs. The Spyderco Waterway and Spyderco Siren. I’m always working on something new so as long as folks are enjoying my designs I’ll keep trying to make a better mousetrap. Stay tuned!