atollas field tester

jake kopp





SUP Angler Jake Kopp has lived in Naples Florida full time now for 10 years. He spent his childhood in his hometown of Lincoln Nebraska. Growing up, family activities consisted of pretty much two things; hockey and fishing. Up to about the age of 15 Jake actually was one hell of a hockey player and still believes to this day it's the fastest most skillful sport out there. His first memories of fishing will take him back to his grandpa's farm pond - this is where Jake truly fell in love with catching fish. He would spend countless days of fishing from sunup to sundown only taking breaks for meals. Jake’s skills and passion for fishing are credited to his father. He taught Jake so much and there's not a better feeling he got than when his dad would comes down to visit Southwest Florida's backwaters. As much as Jake enjoyed freshwater fishing growing up though, it has no comparison to the countless species, intelligence, size and raw power of saltwater fish. The pure beauty Jake has seen and adrenaline rushed hookups he’s experienced throughout SWFL are what he lives for now.

Q: How did you first get into SUP fishing?

A: I got into my passion of SUP fishing by exploring the backwaters on paddle board adventures with some of the coolest true born and raised locals around. We would paddle through countless mangrove tunnels into small bays and get everywhere boats could not. This is when I realized I need to have my fishing gear with me. I have to hunt these untouched fish. With the stealth of a board and the challenge of staying balanced while pulling fish out of the mangroves I knew this was one road in my life I needed to take.

Q: What does the water mean to you?

A: Water means everything to me. Our brains and hearts are composed of 73% water. Life cannot live without water. It is everything in our world. Some people go to churches to enlighten their religious beliefs. I get out on the water to be one with my higher power mother nature…sunset on the water is the best church hour there is. The battles us Floridians have gone through for clean water is sad, we've made steps these past few years but have a long way to go. RESTORE THE FLOW. I have absolutely nothing but love and respect for water.

Q: What was your all-time favorite day on the water?

A: My favorite day on the water is just that: a day on the water. Although, I will say recently back in early March a had a flats fishing day sight casting on my L2Fish board where I caught countless over slot reds and was literally picking and choosing the biggest reds to throw to. Sight fishing on a paddle board in a foot of crystal clear water is something every angler needs to experience.

Q: How important are your sunglasses in your sport?

A: Sunglasses are a top 3 priority for me:

1- Rod and reel | 2- Confidence | 3- Sunglasses

Q: What are your go-to shades and why?

A: My go to shades are Costa Diego paired with green mirror lenses.

Q: Have you ever lost your sunglasses on the water?

A: I’ve lost plenty of sunglasses on the water. It happens.

Q: How have our floating keepers be performing in the field?

A: The keepers have been great. I don't even notice them while sight fishing constantly moving my head back and forth they stay out of the way and of course the floater has saved me once already!

Q: What stands out about our keepers?

A: By having it all. High quality, very stylish, well made, and top notch performance. They WORK.

Q: What’s going in in your world at the moment, and what does the future have in store?

A: Currently in my world there's nothing but learning and absorbing all the information I can about fishing the backwaters. I learn something new everyday on the water, if you don't then your lacking the passion and grind. Reaching out to other anglers, networking and building relationships with companies is the key to my future success I believe. Currently I am pro staff with Saltwater Syndicate, Cortland Line, and just recently I’ve got my foot in the door to Live Water Sports. L2Fish boards are absolutely dominating the SUP Fishing world, I can't wait to see what the future holds.