atollas field tester

Harry madison





Harry has been living in Florida for over 45 years. He grew up just a block from the water. His dad took him fishing as a kid which became a big part of his life. His mom bought him his first rod and that’s how it all began. He and his brother would fish every day. They eventually grew old enough to start fishing on their local pier and became part of the fishing community. In his early teens Harry started skating which lead to surfing. For a time there he dropped fishing to catch waves and skate ramps. It wasn’t till he got a job as deckhand on a private boat that he started fishing again. For a while he fished offshore for big game…well he didn’t but their clients did! Harry did that for a few years and almost got burnt out from being on the water everyday and helping others catch fish. It wasn’t until his brother introduced him to inshore tailing redfish and sightfishing big redfish on the flats. Harry fished off his skiff for many years. Then, paddle boards became a cool new water sport. Being that it involved the water, he had to try it. It was cool in the beginning and then he heard a friend adding a milk crate with rod holders to fish with. Of course he had to try it. He snuck up on hid first redfish, made a good cast and watched the fish turn and inhale the lure. And that’s how it’s been for over ten years. He can’t get enough. Later on he discovered an actual fishing-paddle board from Bote Boards which was setup for all his needs. And from there he’s caught triple digit tarpons, small to huge redfish, trout, sharks, jack crevalle. 9 times out of 10, Harry would rather fish off a paddle board as it gets him closer to the fish and he feel the power of the fight in a different way…and it’s been my addiction still today.

Q: How did you get into SUP fishing?

A: I got in the sport from a friend who sold me my first paddle board. I’ve fished most of my life and it seemed like a good clean, fun way to just launch anywhere and fish. Plus I didn’t want to buy a boat. Boards were cheaper.

Q: What does the water mean to you?

A: The water is my religion. It’s were I find peace.

Q: What was your all-time favorite day on the water?

A: Landing a tarpon on my paddle board and calling my son to paddle out to me and he helped me release it.

Q: How important are your sunglasses in your sport?

A: Sunglasses, to me is top 3 in essential gear. I sight fish 99% of the time. And if I lose my sunglasses during fishing, I’m out of luck.

Q: What are your go-to shades and why?

A: Smith Optics with ChromoPop is my go to. Ability to see different shades and tones definitely makes me a luckier fisherman.

Q: Have you ever lost your sunglasses on the water?

A: Yes. Plenty. If you’ve fished for a long time, you’ve lost sunglasses.

Q: How have our floating keepers be performing in the field?

A: The floating keepers are something I don’t think much about. Which makes it why it works well. I have confidence that I won’t lose my sunglasses and that’s how it works. Already have a hard time losing fish. I don’t have time to worry about losing sunglasses.

Q: What stands out about our keepers?

A: What stands out the most is that I don’t notice them on. I’m the kinda person who doesn’t like too much gear on. Plus it comes with bright colors so I don’t lose them on my truck.

Q: What’s going in in your world at the moment, and what does the future have in store?

A: Well I try to stay out of all the stresses in life. So I get on the water as much as possible. As for the future, I see lots of fish and fun waves, God willing.