atollas field tester

brian nelli





Brian Nelli is a a full time kayak guide and tournament angler. He grew up in Chicago and currently calls Palm Beach, FL his home. Back in 2005, Brian got tired of fishing from shore and borrowed a kayak from my boss at the time. The rest is history. For him fishing from the kayak is the only way he wants to fish. It can be peaceful, crazy and exciting all in one trip. He stays busy operating his charter business Pushin’ Water Kayak Charters.

Q: How did you get into kayak fishing?

A: I was looking to expand my fish range.

Q: What does the water mean to you?

A: It’s peace, happiness and livelihood.

Q: What was your all-time favorite day on the water?

A: Too many to pick just one. Everyday is special.

Q: How important are your sunglasses in your sport?

A: They are everything.

Q: What are your go-to shades and why?

A: I jump from brand to brand..just need good eye coverage and polarization. I’m using Breakline right now. 

Q: Have you ever lost your sunglasses on the water?

A: Yes, I’ve lost them once.

Q: How have our floating keepers be performing in the field?

A: The keepers have been very useful!

Q: What’s going in in your world at the moment, and what does the future have in store?

A: Just a whole bunch of planning!